Petitions are now circulating to repeal the latest Sterling Heights discrimination ordinance #480.
Anyone with half a brain can tell that this ordinance discriminates and is anti-Christian and anti-American at it’s core.
Watch out! Elected officials might bully the petitioners again like they did in 2014. In fact an assault case was filed due to the aggressive, anti-American tactics of a certain individual.
See the media below and read our 2014 articles. Part 1 | Part 2

Potentate Taylor (Accidental Mayor) is scheming again to impose his anti-Christian/American values.
Back in 2014 he tried the same thing but was ultimately defeated by a petition drive. During the petition drive city officials worked to intimidate citizens and one man was assaulted. MP wrote about that in 2019. By the way, that ordinance included a religious carve out that will not be included in any new version. CLICK LINKS BELOW FOR MORE INFO.
“The one thing I said publicly, multiple times, is if we bring this up again, I am not going to bring it up until the winter. Because it’s a hell of a lot harder to collect 5-, 6-, 7,000 signatures in a Michigan winter than it is in a Michigan summer. So if they’re gonna be collecting signatures, their asses are gonna be freezing outside doing it.” – (accidental) Mayor Michael Taylor as quoted in Pridesource.com

In Sterling Heights and many other communities in Macomb County, progressives continue to push a radical, cancel culture agenda.
This cow-kicking article from WXYZ shows some of the wackiness of accidental mayor Taylor and his wife Christine. I guess it runs in the family. Taylor declares WXYZ is dead to him and his wife has a meltdown… Meanwhile, MP would like to point out that, although pajama boy didn’t adequately respond to questions about BLM during the Candidate forum earlier this October, he did sign the Black Lives Matter/Obama pledge. See below.
Can we TRUST the voting equipment in Macomb County? Now, or ever?
Read more on these explosive findings!

Image is of the electronics component found inside the voting equipment. This unit provides a cellular network connection and was found WITH A SIM CARD. This is important since a SIM card provides your cell phone or this device to operate on a cellular carrier’s network. Verizon, Sprint or whatever carrier is programmed.
Remember when Obama talked about fundamentally transforming America? Well the transformation attempts didn’t stop after he departed the White House. Here is a selection of three articles exposing the left’s plan to destroy your city and the rest of America and most people have no idea what is going on!
Right here in our local C&G newspaper, it looks as though Black Lives Matter is going to help run your city – according to the article. Read it and see for yourself.
Keep your eye on the word “equity,” for it is going to be an important part of your life in the next four years. Not interested? That doesn’t matter; equity has an interest in you.
Still not concerned? If you are affected by the taxes, laws, and regulations passed and implemented by the legislative and executive branches of government, or by the court decisions handed down by the judicial one, then you will be affected.

REPOST: The most diverse nation on earth needs no reminder of just how ethnically diverse it is. What bears reminding, is the need for all ethnically diverse comers to assimilate into American culture and society. Assimilation is our strength – from many, one.
This article from 2007 in the Canada Free Press by J.B. Williams is a good read for everyone.

Sterling Heights is Rotting From the Top Down
The secular progressives firmly in control of the city protest and assault THEIR OWN peaceful CITIZENS then yield like cowards to the local muslim mafia.
This blog is a small effort to expose their betrayal.
And yes, that includes YOU, accidental mayor Michael Taylor.
Greedy bastards, that’s who! While Sterling Heights residents are hammered by lockdown and Covid-19, the current regime is planning on massive pay hikes for people who never missed a paycheck in the last year and a half. Read more in the unofficial minutes from the City by clicking the button below.

Sterling Heights Councilman Mike Radtke shows his softer side during this conversation on the NextDoor website as submitted by a reader.
In related news, Councilman Yanez seems to endorse the idea that Macomb County is racist in nature and that lawlessness should be embraced.

Lawyer/Pajama Boy/Mayor of Sterling Heights signs Black Lives Matter/Obama pledge
Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an assembly of political activists that includes: Nation of Islam (Farrakhan) and the New Black Panther Party (NBPP), all working with ultra violent Antifa (a designated terrorist group) to fundamentally transform America through violence and intimidation.
Is Taylor advocating the overthrow of our Constitutional Republic?
10 Reasons to Never Support Black Lives Matter – Read More…
But wait, it’s much worse than those 10 reasons and before you succumb to baseless accusations of racism, consider the following:
Black Lives Matter was created as a part of the Chinese communist organization operating in the United States called Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Listen as UTT Vice President John Bennett lays it out.
CLICK and View the explosive VIDEO UNCOVERING…
“Keep your eye on the word “equity,” for it is going to be an important part of your life in the next four years. Not interested? That doesn’t matter; equity has an interest in you.”
Mike Gonzalez from the Federalist writes about “equity” and redefining American based on “identity politics”
Read more here.
“It’s no shock that Mike Taylor is supporting Joe Biden for President, after all he is not really a Republican. No fiscally-minded conservative would ever spend $340,000 of taxpayer money on a modern art ‘landmark’ which has been compared to a ‘golden butthole’. Clearly, Mike Taylor is nothing more than a political opportunist. Just two months ago, Taylor accepted an invitation to the White House and praised thePresident. He then praised Mayor Pete. Then praised Michael Bloomberg.”
– Michigan Republican Party Chair Laura Cox, Lansing, Mich., March 11, 2020
Is Taylor advocating the overthrow of our Constitutional Republic?
Local Muslim Imam from IONA Mosque and promoted by the City of Sterling Heights, proclaims:
“Allah revealed Islam to the Prophet Muhammad so that it could be made to prevail over all man-made non-Islamic systems of law and government, including liberal democracy, Communism, socialism, and the laws of “We, the People” that are currently in countries such as the United States.”
Hackel asks DC for More Refugees
You would expect a former Sheriff living post-911 would be better informed instead of shooting off his mouth on things he clearly has no clue about. The other option could be that he is one of the Enemies Within. Hackel was recently on the Frank Beckman radio show stating refugees CAN be vetted when the FBI clearly states they CANNOT.
Accidental Mayor Michael Taylor makes some very interesting comments to a resident who very much wished to pass on some information. By the sound of things, that information was vital. Watch how the mayor handled it.
Mayor Michael Taylor’s “reign” has been disaster from the start. From a total capitulation to the muslim mafia in the as yet undecided mosque building project to the verbal abuse of constituents to his ignorance of history and fawning support of the militant LGBTQ-ABCDEF agenda, it is clear that this man and his cronies on the council must be voted OUT.
Mayor is Angry

Mayor is Angry

Mayor is STILL Angry

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